The New Zealand Vintage Tool Collectors Club is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is promoting the collection and presentation of vintage and antique tools in New Zealand.
The club was founded in 1987 when three men met by chance at an auction. The club has now grown to over 200 members.
Members are located throughout New Zealand. Members in other countries include: Australia, UK, USA and Canada
President – Jules Flight
Vice President – Leyton Chan
Secretary – Max Barclay
Treasurer – John Van Erp
Editor – Malcolm Stokes
Committee: Bob Moore, Ross Blakely, Chris Boucher
LIFE MEMBERS: Allan Bottomley, John Van Erp, Neil Searle, Max Barclay, Russell Snooks, Des Barnes

Fees to become a member of NZVTCC are outlined below.
Members in the Auckland metropolation area | $50 |
Members outside of Auckland | $40 |
Overseas Members | $50 |
To join print out this PDF form.
The collector is the official magazine of NZVTCC. It is published four times per year.